Lagunitas tap takeover at Hopcat
Join us at we dedicate 8 taps to the amazing Lagunitas Brewing Company. We’ll be pouring
•DogTown Pale
•Maximus Imperial IPA
•WTF Imperial Brown
•Undercover Investigation Shutdown Strong Ale (ask for the story if you don’t know it – it’s kinda awesome)
•Lagunitas Sucks (Brown Shugga Substitute)
•Fusion 16 American Pale Ale
•Sonoma County Stout – wine barrel aged, full of Brett!
Category Archives: Brewery Updates
Founders news
Taproom: Founders Centennial IPA on tap!
Meet Founders Co-Founder Mike Stevens at Double Windsor, Brooklyn NY 6-8pm
Tap Takeover at Jake’s Old City Grill, Old Saginaw City MI 5-8pm