What is on tap at New Holland brewery today?!
Mad Hatter, Full Circle, Sundog, The Poet, Monkey King, White Hatter, Black Hatter, Farmhouse Hatter, MI Hatter, Oak-aged Hatter, Rye Hatter, Twisted Cedar, Summer Wit, Fohn, Dragon’s Milk, Imperial Hatter, Four Witches, Paleooza
All posts by Admin
Rockford Brewing on tap
Now on tap at Rockford Brewing Co Wheat Nipper (An American Wheat Ale) and Obsession (A Session Rye PA).
Rockford Brewing Beer Tent June 13-15th
It’s almost here… Rockford’s Start of Summer Celebration! We’ll be hosting our very own beer tent this year from June 13-15. Each night there will be live entertainment. Current schedule is as follows…
Thursday, June 13
-Beer tent opens at 6pm
-Special Beer Release. One new & one re-release (One released inside the brewery, one released in the beer tent).
-Live music from Delilah DeWylde & The Lost Boys at 8pm
Friday, June 14
-Beer tent opens at 3pm
-Live music from Fauxgrass Quartet at 8pm
Saturday, June 15
-Beer tent opens at 12pm
-Live music from The Moonrays at 6pm
-Live music from The Dushanes at 8pm
*Beer tent located in south parking lot of RBC. Tent closes at 11pm each night, brewery open later.
Mitten Brewery hosting Team Trivia
If you think you’re smart or just get really smart when drinking beer try your skills at The Mitten Brewery tonight with Team Trivia!
Thirsty Thursday at Jaden James Brewery
Jaden James Brewery Stop in for Thirsty Thursday today from 5-7. $1 pints of beer/cider and glasses of wine.
Lagunitas tap takeover at Hopcat
Lagunitas tap takeover at Hopcat
Join us at we dedicate 8 taps to the amazing Lagunitas Brewing Company. We’ll be pouring
•DogTown Pale
•Maximus Imperial IPA
•WTF Imperial Brown
•Undercover Investigation Shutdown Strong Ale (ask for the story if you don’t know it – it’s kinda awesome)
•Lagunitas Sucks (Brown Shugga Substitute)
•Fusion 16 American Pale Ale
•Sonoma County Stout – wine barrel aged, full of Brett!
Founders news
Taproom: Founders Centennial IPA on tap!
Meet Founders Co-Founder Mike Stevens at Double Windsor, Brooklyn NY 6-8pm
Tap Takeover at Jake’s Old City Grill, Old Saginaw City MI 5-8pm
Big Lake Brewing and Winery plans opening July 5th
Big Lake Brewing is planning to open for business July 5th in Holland, MI